Recruitment with social media in Korea


Introduction: The State of the Korean Job Market

The Korean job market is currently in a state of flux. The country has seen an increase in the number of people opting to freelance and work remotely. 

This can be attributed to the changing nature of work and the strong culture around working hard and long hours, as well as a need for more flexible working arrangements.

The government is taking steps to help workers by making it easier for them to find jobs, with initiatives such as easing employment regulations for foreign workers, investing heavily in vocational training programs, and expanding childcare options for families with young children.

If you are looking to hire great talent in Korea, traditional methods may not be enough to deal with the high level of competition in the market for employees.

You need to be thinking about the importance of Recruitment With Social Media In Korea


Recruitment With Social Media In Korea

Social media is a powerful tool for finding, engaging, and recruiting talent. Recruitment With Social Media In Korea has seen a growth in recent years because it can be used to find people who are hard to find and recruit them with the right messaging.

A study by the University of California found that job seekers were more likely to apply for a job if they were contacted on social media than if they were contacted through email or phone.

One out of three people on social media said they had received a job interview after posting an update on social media.

In contrast, only one in ten people who were contacted via email or phone reported getting an interview.

According to the study, Recruitment With Social Media in Korea could be very powerful: When job seekers are contacted through social media they answer more questions and express more interest than those who are contacted in a more traditional manner.

Interested candidates also express a greater desire for knowing more about the job, which leads to better opportunities for recruiters and employers.

Social media user in Korea

When conducting Recruitment With Social Media In Korea, it would be wise to look at the social media landscape in the country.  

Close to over 47 million of active social media user, (30 million people on Facebook, and 20 million on Instagram) that account to 91% of population Korea is one of the most social media-active countries in the world


If you are not conducting Recruitment With Social Media In Korea, you are missing out on a huge opportunity and talent. 


The large amount of social media users in Korea has created a huge market for social media marketing. Companies are able to reach out to their target audience with much higher efficiency and the same can be said for recruiter reaching out to their target candidates.

YouTube video consumption is much more popular in Korea than watching TV or reading a book. People can easily find news and information on YouTube and most feel they can access any video they want in a short period of time. Lots of people are finding YouTube a useful platform for information and news and feel they can easily access any video they want quickly.

How does that impact Recruitment With Social Media In Korea?


This leaves a huge gap for information when companies aren’t actively using social media as an employer branding channel.

When done correctly, social media can become an indispensable tool for recruitment. Nearly every company has a social platform, and some uses it to post job openings, interact with other organizations, and engage with the public. Job seekers can use these pages to learn more about the company and apply for available jobs.

How social media is changing employer branding

The proliferation of social media has changed the way that employees interact with each other. The rise of social media has also changed the way that organizations interact with their employees and plays a big part in Recruitment With Social Media In Korea.

This change has had a significant impact on the way that organizations manage their talent. University of Florida’s Michael Klick, professor of management and organizations, said “One thing I’ve noticed is that people are less likely to be in positions of power and they’re more likely to express dissent in a public-facing way.


Without a purposeful social media presence, companies are vulnerable to the narrative of their employee experience being taken by people outside of the company. One only needs to look at the amount of views and content on YouTube about “What’s it like to work at company X?” or “The best/worst thing about company Y” in Korean to see that.

Furthermore, website such as Glassdoor, Jobplanet, and Blind are often the 1st choices when applicants are looking for company information.

Best way to use social media as a recruiting and employer branding tool?

Social media is a powerful recruiting and employer branding tool. It can help employers find the right person for the job, and it can help employees find the company that best suits their needs. It can be used to promote company culture and values, showcase employee benefits, share company-sponsored events and activities, and provide career opportunities to potential candidates.


3 Ways to start Recruitment With Social Media In Korea


  1. Advertising jobs: You post a new job opening to your company’s social media page.

  2. Recruiting candidates: If you’re looking for a very specific, narrowly defined set of qualities, social media can be used to target specific demographics.

  3. Connecting with passive candidates: Passive candidates are hard to find on job boards, so your best bet might be social media.

  4. Showcase your employee experience: Jobseekers use social media to find out about related content and it also lets you show your company culture, benefits and more.

Use the right social media platforms for recruitment

Social media platforms can become a major force of your hiring process. There are many different social media platforms that job seekers can use to find and apply for jobs, and companies can use to find potential candidates.


The key is to know which social media platform is right for the your company’s social hiring purpose. To stand out and grow, it is essential to know what is unique about each platform you’re on and take advantage of that.


What do Koreans do on their social media? What do they use it for? Knowing this will give you a better idea on How to carry out Recruitment With Social Media In Korea and what sort of content you will need to upload in Korea


In Korea, each social media platform serves a specific purpose. Here are some of the top social media and their top 3 uses.


Here’s our recommendation on how best to use each platform to recruit:

Conclusion: Start hiring in Korea with social media today by doing these

The key to success in Recruitment With Social Media In Korea:

  1. Start by finding the right people who have a strong understanding of social media and re able to work with you on your goals.
  2. The next thing you need to do is create a plan for your social media strategy. This means making sure you know what you want to achieve and how you want it to be achieved.
  3. Lastly, make sure that your company has the pick the right platform for a successful social media presence.

Check out our special webinar on Social Media Recruitment in Korea!

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